Wednesday, March 4, 2009

18 weeks!

Hi Everyone! Daisy is growing like crazy now! She is 4 to 5 inches long, and weighs about 150 grams. I feel her move all the time, especially after I drink apple juice (one of my many "cravings"). She has got the hiccups a few times too which cracks me up. So far the hardest thing about my pregnancy is giving blood :( If you know me, you know I don't like pain! I gave blood at about 12 weeks along, and thought I was done for awhile, only to find out at my 16 week check up, the lab didn't send over the tests! I have to do it again! Anyway, aside from some back aches, stuffy nose, and a little nausea in the beginning, this baby has been good to me:) Daddy Travis has been amazing, a little anxious, but extremely supportive. I cant wait till he can feel her move! Travis has become a little homemaker, he shops, cooks, cleans, rubs my feet, works all day, showers me with kisses and affection, I really could not ask for more! Except maybe a load of laundry or two...JUST KIDDING :) I'm not sure how many of you heard about Gymboree closing in March, but as of March 13th I will join the many unemployed Americans! People keep asking, what my plans are with the baby coming, and if I'm worried. The truth is God has always provide for Travis and I so I really have no reason to worry, I am going to take this time to pursue my photography, and "nest". I will miss all my gymboree kids and parents though, I actually registered last week, because many of my students parents wanted to get me a gift before gymboree closes. Registering was surprisingly fun! Stroller and car seat set took the longest because Travis had to dissect and research every part of every stroller! What a good Daddy :) Anyway, we have our 20 week check up on March 18th, that means I will be half way there! Please pray for our little growing family, Thank you, Love you all!


  1. Congrats to you guys AGAIN! Welcome to the world of blogging!

  2. sweet blog! and sweet baby daisy!
